March 21, 2012

Some Fishing Reading...

I like reading books that talk about fishing. This is a short list of books that I have enjoyed in the last months.

Friends on the Water: Fly Fishing in Good Company by R. Valentine Aktinson

This is a book that I love "enjoying" before going to bed. Valentine Aktinson is a very famous photographer who travels the World taking photos of wild places.
In this book Atkinson presents us with some very fine photos complemented with quotes, essays and stories from very famous anglers. The words and the photos just fuse together presenting us with a marvelous feeling that fishing itself provides. Friendship, adventures, families, pets, romantic places, it is all included in this book that I really recommend. Also a perfect gift for the fish enthusiast.

Where to buy:

On the Run: An Angler's Journey Down the Striper Coast by David DiBenedetto

An enjoyable book that I read during an 8 hour flight years ago. DiBenedetto travels the East Coast interviewing different characters who have a common goal: to catch the famous striped bass during their fall run.  The portrayed characters are fun to read and DiBenedetto adds some essential information on this great game fish that has made the history of fishing in the East Coast. An interesting read especially if you want to know more about t importance that the striped bass has for the Americans.
Where to buy:

The Unnatural History of the Sea by Dr. Callum Roberts

This book is just outstanding. No other book about fishing has impressed me as this one. It is not about amazing fishing stories or some adventure in the open sea. Dr. Roberts just presents us with the reality that has and is still affecting out oceans: over fishing. The book starts from the eighteenth century and arrives to our days. Man has always exploited the ocean but he has done it in a way that has taken its tall. You find many examples of animals that have become extinct or are on the brink of extinction because of illegal or wrong fishing methods (read overfishing and destructive). It is an inspiring and powerful read. Robert's analysis and example are a slap to the face for all the fishing lovers around the world. 
The main message is that the seas sustainability is on the point of no return if some precautions are not taken in the short tame.
I recommend this book to better understand what we have done and we are still doing to the Ocean. 

Where to buy: 

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