November 28, 2011

Saltwater Game Fishes of the World: An Illustrated History

I am very interested in any kind of book regarding fishing. I am myself a collector of fly fishing books, fly tying,  lure books, rod building books, fishing related fiction book, and everything else related to the sea and the fishes. There is, however, one book that really stands out and that is at the top of my collection.
I have found this book by chance while visiting at an used book store in Salem, Massachusetts back in 2008. I saw the cover and after a few pages I was sold.
The book title is "Saltwater Game Fishes of the World: An Illustrated History" and is written by Bob Dunn & Peter Goadby. If you love fishing and you want to know more about the history of fishing and the fishes itself, this is a book that cannot be missed. It is written with such detail, and the illustrations are so good that you will be delighted by this publication.

A big sized coffee-book table full of amazing  illustrations.

What does it include?

The book is divided in three main parts. The Naturalists, The Fishes, and the Anglers.
The first part is dedicated the first naturalist, pioneers of the ocean and great scientist who started the classification of fishes.
The second section describes both historically and technically  the most sought after fishes by all anglers: Tunas, Tarpon, Bluefish, Striped Bass, Marlins, Dorado, etc.
The last part is covers the origins of sport fishing and the pioneers of this sport, with all details on the tackles they used.

It is a heavy book with 299 pages of glossy paper full of amazing archive photos, fish illustrations. It takes you to the origins of fishing and the history behind those fishes that we love to catch or dream about.

I highly recommend this book. It must be in your collection if you are a true fishing enthusiast or just a person who loves the ocean. You will certainly not be disappointed.

You can get see a sample and order the book here

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