November 30, 2011

Nice to meet you DUO!

Finally, I got my hands on an handful of DUO Lures. I have to admit that I was very excited while opening the package I got from Japan. I have heard and read a lot about these lures over the internet and finally having the opportunity to hold them on my hands was big for me.

Well, I don't know where to start. They all look great. Even the packages are good looking. As a marketing guy myself I know something about good package design and these from DUO certainly are one of the best in the business. Dark colored , bright fonts and good contrast make this boxes really standout. Also the made in Japan flag is a very nice touch and shows the importance for DUO of producing the lures in Japan.

Tetra Works Toto 42. Nice touch with the Japanese flag.
It really stands out on the dark colored package.

Bright and bold fonts adorn the packages of the Tide Minnow series.

As for the lures, I will write about them on my blog over time. For now just enjoy a picture of the Tetra Works Yurameki. This tiny lipless sinking lure is ideal for some ultralight fishing. At 48mm length and 6.3 gr. looks like a terrific casting lure.
This is what DUO writes about the Yurameki:

-A sinking pencil with superior carrying distance
The Yurameki is a heavyweight sinking pencil with amazing casting capabilities. The 48mm, 6.3g body makes it a great search bait castable into a strong wind, or over long distances while searching an extensive area. 
The lure’s heavy weight gives it great carrying distance and reduces the ‘floating up’ tendency which is a demerit of many sinking pencils.  This lure will allow the angler to search at various depths. With slow retrieval, it swims with a tail wobbling action, captivating not only small targets like the Black Rockfish, but also the timid seabass.-

I have took it right away from the box and  posed for my camera. You can get more info about this lure here.

To be continued...stay tuned.

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