November 8, 2011

DUO Co. Ltd.

DUO, which means Designed by Ultimate Organizer is a famous lure maker based in Japan.
Besides offering tremendous quality lures (made in Japan, Nippon Quality) the company is very active in promoting their products beyond Japan. An active English website and some interesting promotion work on social network level (Facebook) is definitely helping us in knowing the brand better. As a marketer myself can't deny that their effort is quite brilliant. I will definitely write more about them in the future.

For now check their official website in English : DUO

A nice introduction to the company's values. Well written.

TETRA WORKS is the series of lures dedicated to the ultra light angler.
More here : TETRA WORKS


  1. Thanks for informations Rehacan. I just used a 200 g duel jig before. It's a little bit expensive but really worth taht...

  2. I love the Tetra Works lures of DUO!!
